First the 17 guys and girls of the show were shown on boats traveling to the shore in Mexico, where they will be for the show doing the challenges. They had to get off the boat (with their suitcases in hand, might I add) to
get on shore, and the boats weren't as close as they could've been to the sand, meaning some fell in the water and got wet. Almost all of the cast members were off the boat and making their way to the beach house they'd be staying in — all except one. Midget Mac! If you remember from "I Love New York 2", he almost drowned in the pond during one of the challenges; that's when we all found out about his non-swimming abilities. He was the last on the boat, and was hesitant to getting off. That's when 12 Pack came to the rescue! He picked him up and placed him on the shore, without Midget Mac even touching the water. Kudos? So anyways, the cast members made their way up to the beach house and were welcomed inside by their show host...damn, I forgot his name. CRAIG! That's it! Sorry y'all...
After the cast members were welcomed by Craig, and he told them the details, they ran upstairs (don't act like you've never seen them do that before) to claim their beds. Yes, Whiteboy, Chance, and Real were roomies of course. Megan & Brandi C. were also roomies, and were suppose to give that last bed in their room to Mr. Boston, but instead hid the bed somewhere else so he wouldn't find it. Damn, that was mean.
After the checks were dropped in the box and the reasons of stay were stated, the first challenge was announced. The girls AND the GUYS had to put on a bikini for the challenge. Most guys weren't too excited about it, but some were, like Mr. Boston, lol. He acted like he was putting on a fresh suit or something. Midget Mac was one, of course, that refused completely to put on the bathing suit. You wouldn't catch him dead with a bikini suit on. He even got into it with a few girls of the house, one in particular — Hoopz. He even called her a ho3! SMH; Does he not know how small he is compared to her? And we can't forget him referring to Brandi C. as Snow White. Lmfao!!
Afterward, back at the house, Rodeo insisted for Midget Mac to apologize to Hoopz for disrespecting her earlier in the day. He refused, of course, and that was the end of that. So on to the squad choosing...and eliminations...
The last 3 to not get picked were Midget Mac, Brandi C., and Nibblz. Craig asked the three to make their final pleas to Hoopz and Whiteboy. Midget Mac refused, of course. Surprised? Brandi C. was asked to do 10 push-ups and sprained her ankle while doing so; Nibblz did the same but actually did some real ones. Props to homegirl. Here's how the squads were lined up at the end of the choosings: Gold Team: Hoopz, Rodeo, 12 Pack, The Entertainer, Heather, Toasteee, Pumkin, & Nibblz. Green Team: Whiteboy, Chance, Real, Mr. Boston, Heat, Destiney, Megan, & now injured Brandi C.
I liked this episode
I hope there will be a reunion! I really want Heat to be eliminated soon!!!
There will most likely be a reunion.
The show looks good
I dont like Midget Mac either. He's aggravating.
the 1st episode was cool
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